I’m not cut out to be an activist - and anyway, I don’t have the time.
(Have I?)
Listen in on a gathering of activists and change-makers whose focus lies largely outside the creative sector. They’ll talk about the unique and varied ways in which they work to make change and discuss the possible modes of action available to those who want to bring about change in the arts.
We’ll spend half of this event discussing each of our panellists’ methods of working - including how they support and conflict with each other -, and the other half discussing how as arts freelancers - with varied approaches to working and hard to predict schedules - we might be able to learn from them and apply their approaches to feel confident and effective as activists.
Chaired by Emma Jayne Park, with grassroots organiser Liv Wynter, director and publisher Marcia M. Spence and arts activism specialist, Hannah Davey.