Performing Leadership Differently (PLD)

Timelapse image of a motorway at night with Performing Leadership Differently written across it in white and grey. F : F logo

Performing Leadership Differently (PLD) for a Decolonial Ecology of Attention by Dr Amit Rai.

This essay will introduce readers to the Performing Leadership Differently (PLD) participatory action research project on race, class, and intersectionality in the cultural sector through the organising agents (mostly freelancers) and the resilient networks co-created with PLD's partner organisation Something To Aim For (STAF).

Through this research forms of community activation have aimed to decolonise attention through the co-creation of accessible, justice-oriented, disruptive and critical cultural events. Through the PLD-STAF collaboration forms of allyship and collective organising are emerging that will be resources for resistance, resilient infrastructures for anti-racist and intersectional creative networks, and organisational practices, with an even sturdier evidence base for social justice initiatives—which Dave O’Brien and his research group have activated for activists, researchers, and policy makers.