Kudsia Batool



Kudsia Batool is the head of TUC equalities and strategy.

Kudsia and her team work to champion equalities, build solidarity between working people of all backgrounds and to make sure workplaces draw on the talents of all, with nobody held back by prejudice or discrimination. It’s a no brainer that our economy, democracy and communities are all stronger when everyone’s talents and voices are included, shaping the decisions that affect them. Kudsia has a wealth of experience in leadership and negotiation, with a great record of winning for working people. Her mission, and that of the TUC, is to ensure everyone can work with dignity, respect and a fair share of the wealth they create. Kudsia leads the development of TUC strategy so that the trade union is a modern movement, fit for the challenges and the opportunities of the 21st Century. She can also be found chasing after a seven year old and hiding in the cinema.

Nyasha Daley